duminică, 1 iunie 2008
A trecut atata timp de cand nu am mai scris pe blog...s-au intamplat aja multe...dar sunt nijte kestii care parca sunt din filme nu a fost viata mea...akum s-au linistit apele intr-un final...ma simt bine...de asta scriu la ora asta pe blog:)))...nobody can tell i'm wrong because i know i'm right...si uite aja am gresit...dar de data asta o sa iasa bine..:)).Am progresat enorm...totul e sa stii cum sa fii si pentru cine...
sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2008
nu inteleg d c toata lumea trebuie sa urasca o persoana sau o rasa??chiar trebuie sa mai scriu ca suntem cu totii oameni???cand o sa va bagati mintea in cap si o militati pentru pace si egalitate?stiu.cand o sa dispara cocalarii...dar si asta tot de noi depinde.dar ura nu aduce nimik bun..decat o karma de cacat...si 0 self respect...
luni, 18 februarie 2008
The Rastafari movement has spread throughout much of the world, largely through interest generated by reggae music—most notably, that of Jamaican singer/songwriter Bob Marley. By 2000, there were more than one million Rastafari faithful worldwide. About five to ten percent of Jamaicans identify themselves as Rastafari. Many Rastafarians follow an ital diet which essentially means living by the dietary Laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy in the Old Testament.Rastafari developed among an oppressed people who felt society had nothing to offer them except more suffering.[3][7] Rastas may regard themselves as conforming to certain visions of how Africans should live,[3][8] reclaiming what they see as a culture stolen from them when their ancestors were brought on slave ships to Jamaica, the movement's birthplace. The messages expounded by the Rastafari promote love and respect for all living things and emphasize the paramount importance of human dignity and self-respect. Above all else, they speak of freedom from spiritual, psychological, as well as physical slavery and oppression. In their attempts to heal the wounds inflicted upon the African peoples by the imperialist nations of the world, Rastafari continually extol the virtue and superiority of African cultures and civilization past and present.
The doctrines of Rastafari depart radically from the norms of the conventional modern western mind,[3][9] a trait of the movement deliberately encouraged by Rastas themselves. Unlike many religious groups that stress compliance with and recognition of the "powers-that-be," Rastafari instead stresses loyalty to their vision of "Zion," and rejection of modern society (called Babylon), which they see as thoroughly corrupt.[3][10] "Babylon" in this case is considered to be rebelling against "Earth's Rightful Ruler" (JAH) ever since the days of king Nimrod.
This "way of life" is not merely to be assented to intellectually, or "belief" as the term is often used; it is used for the finding and knowledge of one's true identity. To follow and worship JAH Rastafari is to find, spread, and "trod" the unique path to which each individual Rasta was rightfully born. The movement is difficult to categorize, because Rastafari is not a centralized organization.[3][11] Individual Rastafari work out their religion for themselves, resulting in a wide variety of doctrines nevertheless also covered under the general umbrella of Rastafari.Afrocentrism
Socially, Rastafari has been viewed as a response to racist negation of black people as it was experienced, both in the world as a whole (where Selassie was the only black monarch recognised in international circles), and in Jamaica, where in the 1930s black people were at the bottom of the social order, while white people, their religion and system of government were at the top. Marcus Garvey's encouragement of black people to take pride in themselves and their African heritage inspired the Rastas to embrace all things African. They teach that they were brainwashed while in captivity to negate all things black and African. They turned the white image of them—as primitive and straight out of the jungle—into a defiant embrace of the African culture they see as having been stolen from them when they were taken from Africa on the slave ships. Africa is associated with Zion. Africa/Zion is the starting place of all human ancestry as well as the original state of mind that can be reached through meditation and the ganja herb.
Living close to and as a part of nature is seen as African. This African approach to "naturality" is seen in the dreadlocks, ganja, ital food, and in all aspects of Rasta life. They disdain the modern approach (or, as they see it, non-approach) to life for being unnatural and excessively objective and rejecting subjectivity. Rastas say that scientists try to discover how the world is by looking from the outside in, whereas the Rasta approach is to see life from the inside, looking out. The individual is given tremendous importance in Rastafari and every Rasta has to figure out the truth for himself.
Another important Afrocentric identification is with the colors red, gold, and green, of the Ethiopian flag as well as, with the addition of black, the colors of "Pan-African Unity" for Marcus Garvey. They are a symbol of the Rastafari movement and of the loyalty Rastas feel toward Haile Selassie, Ethiopia, and Africa rather than for any other modern state where they happen to live. These colors are frequently seen on clothing and other decorations. Red stands for the blood of martyrs, green stands for the vegetation of Africa, while gold stands for the wealth and prosperity Africa has to offer.
Some Rastafari learn Amharic, which some consider to be the original language, because this is the language of Haile Selassie I and in order to further their identity as Ethiopian. There are reggae songs written in Amharic. Most Rastas speak either a form of English or a form of their native languages that embrace non-standard dialects and has been consciously modified to accord with and display an individual Rasta's world view (e.g. "I-an-I" rather than "we").
The doctrines of Rastafari depart radically from the norms of the conventional modern western mind,[3][9] a trait of the movement deliberately encouraged by Rastas themselves. Unlike many religious groups that stress compliance with and recognition of the "powers-that-be," Rastafari instead stresses loyalty to their vision of "Zion," and rejection of modern society (called Babylon), which they see as thoroughly corrupt.[3][10] "Babylon" in this case is considered to be rebelling against "Earth's Rightful Ruler" (JAH) ever since the days of king Nimrod.
This "way of life" is not merely to be assented to intellectually, or "belief" as the term is often used; it is used for the finding and knowledge of one's true identity. To follow and worship JAH Rastafari is to find, spread, and "trod" the unique path to which each individual Rasta was rightfully born. The movement is difficult to categorize, because Rastafari is not a centralized organization.[3][11] Individual Rastafari work out their religion for themselves, resulting in a wide variety of doctrines nevertheless also covered under the general umbrella of Rastafari.Afrocentrism
Socially, Rastafari has been viewed as a response to racist negation of black people as it was experienced, both in the world as a whole (where Selassie was the only black monarch recognised in international circles), and in Jamaica, where in the 1930s black people were at the bottom of the social order, while white people, their religion and system of government were at the top. Marcus Garvey's encouragement of black people to take pride in themselves and their African heritage inspired the Rastas to embrace all things African. They teach that they were brainwashed while in captivity to negate all things black and African. They turned the white image of them—as primitive and straight out of the jungle—into a defiant embrace of the African culture they see as having been stolen from them when they were taken from Africa on the slave ships. Africa is associated with Zion. Africa/Zion is the starting place of all human ancestry as well as the original state of mind that can be reached through meditation and the ganja herb.
Living close to and as a part of nature is seen as African. This African approach to "naturality" is seen in the dreadlocks, ganja, ital food, and in all aspects of Rasta life. They disdain the modern approach (or, as they see it, non-approach) to life for being unnatural and excessively objective and rejecting subjectivity. Rastas say that scientists try to discover how the world is by looking from the outside in, whereas the Rasta approach is to see life from the inside, looking out. The individual is given tremendous importance in Rastafari and every Rasta has to figure out the truth for himself.
Another important Afrocentric identification is with the colors red, gold, and green, of the Ethiopian flag as well as, with the addition of black, the colors of "Pan-African Unity" for Marcus Garvey. They are a symbol of the Rastafari movement and of the loyalty Rastas feel toward Haile Selassie, Ethiopia, and Africa rather than for any other modern state where they happen to live. These colors are frequently seen on clothing and other decorations. Red stands for the blood of martyrs, green stands for the vegetation of Africa, while gold stands for the wealth and prosperity Africa has to offer.
Some Rastafari learn Amharic, which some consider to be the original language, because this is the language of Haile Selassie I and in order to further their identity as Ethiopian. There are reggae songs written in Amharic. Most Rastas speak either a form of English or a form of their native languages that embrace non-standard dialects and has been consciously modified to accord with and display an individual Rasta's world view (e.g. "I-an-I" rather than "we").
marți, 5 februarie 2008
2...doar 2
Cand plecam pe drumul(trip-ul) nostru,adica ne nastem,suntem siguri doar de 2 chestii:ca putem spera si ca la un moment dat o sa murim...doar 2 chestii...eu cred ca e prea putin...oare asta e ultimul level al existentei noastre sau este primul???incotro ne ducem??la sfarsit e "game over"?sau e "next level"?...vom afla doar atunci,presupun...Speranta....what???d c sa speri??cand poti sa iei atitudine si sa schimbi vizibil totul in jurul tau...macar incearca...speranta suna atat de weak...fara nici un strop de flavour...nu traim in ghetouri...dar viata este la fel ca acolo...libertate acum exista in Romania??Tu cat de liber esti?freedom of speech is not all the freedom we got...you should know that...dupa atatea "aberatii"prea adanc infipte in realitate...gentleman-runaway...:))
duminică, 3 februarie 2008
dependenta...de drama...
De ce suntem toti dependenti de DRAMA???poate pentru ca nu gandim ok...sunt mai multe lucruri pozitive decat negative...intotdeauna exista o solutie pentru orice...trebuie doar sa vrei sa fie totul ok...nu exista "depresie".exista oameni care o creeaza.d c fac asta??Ca nu sunt in stare sa isi conduca destinul...ca nu sunt destul de puternici...pentru ca totul e "fucked up"...Si ce daca e asa?hai sa facem ceva sa nu mai fie asa...ca nu este foarte greu...trebuie doar sa vrei sa schimbi ceva...sa te schimbi...sa vezi pozitiv in lac(k) de negativism.there are things beyond the ones the eyes meet...ar fi timpul sa luati atitudine ca viata e scurta..."life is short,it passes by,that's why my head is in the clouds,tryn' to pass the sky" :))...
sâmbătă, 2 februarie 2008
JAH love
12 fara 20.abia am venit de la mare.soarele straluceste p cer...jah-jah bless...a fost foarte tare...intotdeauna e joy...cum sa nu te bucuri de viata??cand e asa frumoasa...?!...super rasarit...soarele abia iesea timid...si urmeaaza sa "arda" toata vara sus,sus,pe cer...movement of jah people...intotdeauna prea putine cuvinte pentru un state of mind atat de complex...FREEDOM is over there...take it...feel it...share it...enjoy FREEDOM...
luni, 28 ianuarie 2008
"mr lonely"
Ce inseamna cuvantul "prietenie"??un lucru sacru ar trebui...dar nu e asa..ar trebui sa stiti ca e o mare diferenta intre cunoscuti,prieteni si "frati"...un prieten adevarat ar sari in fata glontului pentru tine...TU pentru cati ai sari??pentru TINE cati ar sari??ar sari cineva??ridica-te d p fotoliu si uita-te in oglinda...and face the true...ejti singur..dar nu conteaza k poti sa faci multe lucruri...ideea e sa poti...iar knd intalnesti un posibil amic nu profita de el si nu ii trage teapa...k $ aia nu te apara nici de gloante,nici de singuratate...asa ca de acum incolo ar trebui sa pretuiesti mai mult oamenii,cu toate ca majoritatea nu merita...incetati sa considerati k cine e bun e prost...k poate doar se joaca cu voi....de plictiseala...THINK ABOUT IT...
monday night :((
O zi in care am alergat prea mult pentru prea putin...nu a fost prima de genul asta si sigur nici ultima...ma gandesc sa skimb tigarile...poate dau lovitura :)(lucky strike)...dar e vb de gustul comun care ma plictiseste....total neinteresant ce scriu.....:))....de c nu suntem fericiti??pentru k nu putea lua fericirea...noi o traim dar suntem prea prosti sa ne dam seama de chestia asta....ganditi-va la toate lucrurile care vroiati sa le faceti cand erati mici....akum va ies din prima...aveti si libertatea necesara sa va bucurati..so go ahead...e cel mai banal exemplu ever...:))...so enjoy ya' life....chiar nu va dati seama k voi hotarati cat de fericiti vreti sa fiti???Puterea GANDULUI este cea mai importanta...traim prea superficial...am uitat k avem o inima care trebuie sa bata pentru cineva,ceva,sau doar pentru un state of mind...e atat de simplu...si uitati-va la eddie murphy-delirious...se gaseste p odc...so enjoy life and the power of your thoughts...
duminică, 27 ianuarie 2008
dimineatza devreme :))
E 4:20.m-am gandit ca trebuie sa scriu....ca am prea multe de spus..dar putine cuvinte de definit....o simpla stare de fapt....voi scrie despre multe chestiuni...voi decideti dak e ok..sau nu....
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